
Granting a wish for our brain tumour patients

Jane Redmond

11th June 2024

Meet Noel, an avid NFL fan from the Black Country. Noel's also a patient at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and suffers from a Stage 4 Glioblastoma WHO brain tumour.
While having treatment, Noel used to listen to podcasts to distract him. In particular he loved listening to Osi Umenyiora & Jason Bell on 'The Jason and Osi Podcast'. Their banter and his love of the sport made it the perfect listen for him while in hospital.

His wife Lisa told the doctors about this and they contacted the Giles' Trust Brain Tumour Fund to see if we could get a signed shirt from the players. Well we managed to go one better... and organised a special visit from Osi and Jason themselves to the QE.
What an amazing surprise! There wasn't a dry eye in the room as we managed to bring an incredible wish to life for Noel and his family.
Thank you Osi and Jason for making the trip and spending quality time with Noel. Something his family will cherish forever.

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